ANYWAY CAFE-2nd Ave is CLOSED Feb 26,2023! (the one in Manhattan)The #GraceGarlandDuo has had the #thursdaymusicresidency for Way OVER 10 YEARS! It ALL started with guitarist #AndreiRyabov and Grace Garland! When he returned to his country, many talented musicians took the chair: #mishatsiganov, #evgenylebedev, #garyfisher, #petemccann, #leemetcalf, #robinradus, #stevebenson, #ronaffif, as well as #scottritchie, #jeffbarone, #igorluts, #maksimpereplica, #slyscott, #larrycorban (Thanks for stepping in and saving the day a number of times):) ,and #michaelseropyan; Special Guests: My Co-writer #StuNewman, #LetiGarza, #BobbyHarden, #DennisSy, #Zupe, #CleveDouglass (to name a few
LOVERS NEVER LIE(In Bed) the #MusicVideo (Director/Producer/Actress Grace Garland) GRACE GARLAND’s “Lovers Never Lie (In Bed)” – YouTube